Website AMC

Website AMC package will ease you from all website related admin and technical tasks. Content edits & updates and Troubleshooting all the issues related to server, database, coding, bandwidth, etc.

Website AMC

Having a website will add-up some administration and technical tasks to your schedule. And depending upon the size of your website or number of websites, this tasks double up. Apart from regular admin activities like renewals and upgrades, if there is some issue with server, database, email, coding, etc. you will have to need to get programmer involved in every incidents to solve the problem. There can be potential security issue, if you assign a random programmer to solve one incident, never know the intention.

Server problem happens when the hosting companies upgread their softwares, which may sometimes effect our website or email or database connection temprorily or may need intervention to solve it.

I am offering a complete website AMC package under which I take complete care of your website. Whenever there is any problem with website or email, you just need to ping me and I will do the rest, be it server side issue or website issue or any issue about the website. Apart from this, when you need content updates, I will do that too.

Website AMC package includes:

  • Regular Website Backups
  • Keeping Track of Hosting & Domain Renewals
  • Updating Text Content on Website
  • Updating Picures and Videos on Website
  • Updating and Submitting Sitemap to Google
  • Fixing any Kind of Error on Entire Website
  • Fixing any Broken Links
  • Coordinating with Hosting Company
  • Solving Server Problems
  • Website Migration
  • Ensuring Forms are Working Fine
  • Ensuring Admin Panel are Working Fine
  • Ensuring Website has Best User Experience Across any Screen Size